What are some psychological facts about one-sided love?

Positive facts: One-sided love – the giving love. It’s basically unconditional love. You become a fantastic dreamer. You might not even talk to them in real, but in your imagination, what to say!!! Important one it’s not expensive. People who spend hundreds of dollars in relationships at the end fall apart. You develop loyalty, which you may use … Read more

What is the most mysterious monument in the world that nobody has managed to explain yet?

Dighton Rock was originally located in the Taunton River in Berkley, Massachusetts. It was partly covered at high tide and has since been moved to a museum. The rock is covered with petroglyphs, the origins of which remain unresolved. The rock is 5 feet high 9–1/2 feet wide and 11 feet long. It originally faced … Read more

Who is the most mysterious man to have ever lived?

A man from an unknown country named “Taured” The most important topic I always research on the Internet, As far I am concerned, I was impressed on this particular incident which happened in July 1954. According to this story, a man landed at Haneda Airport (also known as Tokyo International Airport) during July month in … Read more