What is the brutal truth about relationships?

One will be the taker and the other the giver. The one who takes will always take. The one who gives will always give. At times the roles might switch but usually, it remains the same. If the person has no respect for you they will say and do what they want without regard for … Read more

What percentage of married couples are truly happy?

I’ve been asked this a lot recently, as I know a few people who are divorcing/recently divorced. People today get married for completely the wrong reasons and then end up confused over why things go wrong. I don’t believe anyone should marry for emotional reasons. Infatuation lasts a couple of years max after you meet … Read more

What do real surgeons think of Grey’s Anatomy?

Grey’s anatomy is certainly one of the most beloved shows. I used to watch it even during my schooling so it actually helped me make my decision to be a doctor (Obviously not the only reason). It actually fantasizes everything about the surgery and even the medical studies. This is not true at all. Many … Read more